Michael Mandina
Chairman, Optimax
Email: mmandina@vertusschool.org
Mr. Mandina is co-founder and chairman of Optimax Systems, Inc. a manufacturer of precision lenses and optical components. The Ontario, Wayne County company manufactured lenses that are on board all the Mars rovers, including “Perseverance,” the latest rover to land on the red planet. One of the instruments with Optimax lenses on the new rover is an ultraviolet spectrometer which will analyze rocks collected from the surface.
Mr. Mandina is also the founder of the Finger Lakes Advanced Manufacturing Enterprise, an organization of companies whose purpose is to help schools to prepare students for careers in advanced manufacturing and for companies to identify and hire them. He has been active on the local and national level in promoting job training.
Mr. Mandina received an Associate Arts degree from Monroe Community College in Engineering Science and Optics, a Bachelors degree in Engineering and Applied Physics from SUNY Empire State College, and an EMBA from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
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