National Honor Society
Vertus High School is excited to announce its participation in the National Honor Society (NHS). Membership in the NHS reflects a student’s high level of accomplishment in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, and service.
As stated in the Constitution of the National Honor Society, “The purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools.” We are proud of the accomplishments of our young men, and we look forward to developing the Vertus chapter as a representation of those achievements.
More information about the national organization is available here www.nhs.us
Eligibility Requirements
Second, third, and fourth year students may be eligible for membership. Transfer students (second, third, and fourth year) who have been at Vertus for at least one full semester may also be eligible.
A minimum cumulative (total) GPA of 3.25, including all teacher-led classes, is required.
At least one full semester of attendance at Vertus High School.
Students must be physically present at Vertus High School.
Demonstrated leadership and positions of responsibility in community organizations and/or school functions.
Service to others without expectation of payment or other compensation.
Character will be determined by a number of factors, such as teacher and staff recommendations, review of disciplinary records, attendance, behavior in classrooms, labs, and school activities, as well as behavior in the community.
Students will be invited to consider membership in the Vertus chapter of the NHS. Invitations will be issued after close review by the faculty council and approval by the principal. Please do not submit any information to the national organization.
Once a student receives the invitation he will be sent a packet of information, which will include a cover letter, candidate information form, an opt-out form, information regarding the final selection process, and a list of membership obligations (there is no monetary obligation for students).
All students, both those selected and those not selected, will be sent a letter informing them of their status. The letter will serve as the official decision, no student will be told his status in advance of the letter.
An induction ceremony will be held during the spring semester for selected students and their families.
More information will be forthcoming, but if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the chapter advisor, Dr. McCarthy, at kmccarthy@vertusschool.org
Inaugural Induction Ceremony for the Vertus Chapter of the National Honor Society
May 10, 2023 was an exciting day at Vertus High School. Our inaugural members of the Vertus Chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) were formally inducted into the organization.
We were joined by friends and family members who shared our excitement as we watched the students receive their certificates and pins then sign the registry. The students wore their new NHS shirts, and the pride they felt in their accomplishments was contagious.
This is just the beginning! We plan to keep growing the chapter and adding new members every year. Members will be involved in community service, plan and execute individual service opportunities, and model the behaviors and character traits of outstanding Vertus men.
The students inducted into the Vertus Chapter of the National Honor Society on May 10, 2023 were
Sammie Anderson An’Tun Jackson
Yeriel Benitez Christian Johnston
Cherrieke Bufis Malachi Jones
Frederick Carey, Jr. Derek Lee
Farell Carey Aiden Marshall
Zinan Colson Ricky Perea Ortiz
Jeremiah Cruz Marcus Ridley
Shatik Days Darnell Santos
Jael Duran Million Schmidt
Corey Faison, Jr. James Searight
Dayvon Francis David Thaxton
Shane Gayle Kevin Valdez
Kavion Holloway

The Blueprint Sessions: Designing Success Together
"Building bridges, sharing stories, creating futures."
The Blueprint Sessions is a unique program where Vertus High School NHS members meet with outstanding community leaders to learn about their journeys, challenges, and achievements. These sessions empower students to design their own personalized "blueprints" for success, using the wisdom, tools, and networks provided by the speakers.